看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Cut (sb or sth) loose

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看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Cut (sb or sth) loose

2024-07-13 03:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Cut (sb or sth) loose: 1. To end a personal or professional relationship with someone, often abruptly. As in If he keeps calling me at all hours of the night, I’m going to have to cut him loose, I mean it! 2. To free or remove someone or something from something, often by literally cutting. As in When the hook got caught on the net, we had to cut it loose.

中文释义:loose的含义,最常见的就是 ‘松动的;零散的;宽松的’(和tight对应),比如a loose button/tooth 松动的纽扣/牙齿。“cut (sb/sth) loose” 有两个含义:第一个是“脱离、切断”,可以用来表达“一个人与另一人疏远关系”或“一个人脱离某个群体”;第二个意思是“摆脱约束、完全不受控制”,形容一个人“尽情疯狂、享乐的状态”,这是一个美式英语常用的说法。

E.G.1: He cut himself loose from his family.(他摆脱了家庭的束缚。) E.G.2: It’s the end of the term, let’s cut loose and have some fun tonight.(这学期结束了,今晚我们彻底放松,好好玩一玩。)

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